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Quick Tech Tip - Rails and Amazon ECS and 'missing' Gems

June 28, 2010

I was trying to get my rails app to properly search amazon, using the amazon-ecs library, but could never get the local server to start up. Turns out the problem was in my environment.rb file. I had entered: config.gem "amazon/ecs"" title="" src="/static/bbe6982838e6bdc60dfc21d902da146d/e74cb/1277787395000.jpg" srcset="/static/bbe6982838e6bdc60dfc21d902da146d/65f2f/1277787395000.jpg 148w, /static/bbe6982838e6bdc60dfc21d902da146d/e1772/1277787395000.jpg 295w, /static/bbe6982838e6bdc60dfc21d902da146d/e74cb/1277787395000.jpg 365w" sizes="(max-width: 365px) 100vw, 365px" />

I was trying to get my rails app to properly search amazon, using the amazon-ecs library, but could never get the local server to start up. Turns out the problem was in my environment.rb file. I had entered:

config.gem "amazon-ecs"

The error I was getting was a big stack trace that ended with:

I was approaching the point of screaming back, “I ALREADY RAN THE INSTALL YOU STUPID MACHINE!” However, it turns out you also need to specify the library too:

config.gem "amazon-ecs", :lib => "amazon/ecs"

Scott Williams

Written by Scott Williams who lives and works in sunny Phoenix, AZ. Twitter is also a place.